Metaverse…A vortex with an infinite possibilities!
Imagine you have Brain Cancer Surgery and you are lying down on a stretcher at a hospital at Stanford.
While you’re expecting to see a bunch of Among Us characters in uniforms and shielded masks, what comes out to be are the robotic hands that are being controlled by one well-trained 8-year-old doctor in East Cost Florida and another one in the Bahamas.
Thanks to the VR Goggles and Gloves, you have now another thing to worry about other than the outcome of your brain cancer surgery!
However impossible it may seem at the moment, BUT the METAVERSE will make it happen .. AND IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN sooner than we had imagined!
How & When is what we’ll discuss in Today’s episode!
I am Abi Cool… CEO of Marketing Wind Healthcare…and today we’re diving deep into the world of METAVERSE and its uses in the healthcare industry!
Before we lose all our sanity in understanding HOW metaverse will affect healthcare, let me tell you a little about MARKETING WIND!
While your patients keep your businesses running, we make sure that you never run out of patients & that’s what keeps our business running as well!
ALRIGHT, coming back to the hot & happening METAVERSE is a new universe for internet users and there are INFINITE possibilities of what you can do with it!
Imagine you are on a break from work.
What is the most you can do in the meantime?
Grab a meal?
Check your phone.
Reply to your mother and that’s about it!
BUT WHAT IF.. I tell you … that in those 30 minutes you could actually:
Work out or;
Watch the football finale live from Barcelona or;
See the fireworks at the Eiffel Tower or;
Take a cruise ride across the Mediterranean
You would probably say that I’ve had TOO MUCH COFFEE..
And that’s right.
I have .. 😄
But also, this is all very true! & it is going to happen very soon!
At this point, you might be thinking HOW SOON CAN YOU GET your hands on it?
Well, I’m gonna stop you right there.
Because it is such an intricate concept it requires hardware that can be immersive, and visual and can actually get you the jitters,which will require some time!
Since almost every other person is waiting to experience the metaverse, the software that supports it needs to be one of a kind.
Here’s a misconception.. If you think that Metaverse is a convention of today’s minds, I’m gonna burst your bubble!
There was a guy, long before us… who knew HOW ANTISOCIAL & INTROVERT we were going to become, we’ll actually send our Avatars to even say hello to each other!
The guy was Neal Stephenson, and the year was 1992
& GOSH was he SMART! 🤯
We know that technology is not constrained to a single discipline. And as IT evolves, so does everything else with it!
So when we talk about METAVERSE, what is the biggest aspect of it?
That you can LITERALLY do EVERYTHING from your couch, bed or even your toilet seat!!
It removes the need to move!
How will you use it?
I imagine not having to go to a doctor on a rainy day while you lie in your cozy bed, wearing your all-time favorite PJs, with a cup of hot Mocca, because the METAVERSE can provide you treatment right at your home!!
Imagine not having to take a gazillion pills for a disease you do not have but will definitely develop if you continued taking them – because the METAVERSE was able to diagnose you correctly .. to begin with!
Imagine not having to find that you’re on 3rd or 4th stage of cancer, or that your appendix is likely to burst any minute because METAVERSE early diagnosis was able to save you!
No surgeon would prefer robotic training at an age…where their hair had turned all white, they’re walking with a cane in their hands, teeth almost all fallen out and their hands shaking like a bartender shaking his drinks.
Because that is literally how LONG some training can take before you get the proper funding or the right equipment.
Well, METAVERSE takes care of this as well! 🤩
The story doesn’t just end here.
Imagine the things that your 3-year-old can learn from just watching their cartoons.
From learning poems to copying gestures to picking up habits (good & bad both)..they master SO MUCH!
And IF this CONTINUED to happen…in the VIRTUAL WORLD (which it will) There will come a day when even YOUR 8 year old will be able to perform ADVANCED surgeries.
What? 🤯
It could be your kid performing brain cancer surgery from Australia, or Germany, or even Antarctica. (but only if it has a good internet connection) 😅
And if the kids could master something like this, imagine what actual surgeons will be able to achieve!
SO YES, METAVERSE can be put to great use to serve humanity in the long run!
What else can it do??? (Benefits)
Wouldn’t it be easier if you could visualize a complex surgery before it even happened? You can practice as much as you want! Not only this, and it is possible with CLOUD COMPUTING.
You tell me, can you expect a person to become a MasterChef without knowing how to use the knives or how to de-thorn a fish by just handing him a book?
OF COURSE, NOT. Young doctors have a HIGH chance of becoming skilled experts if they have brilliant hands-on practice, which they CAN.. through AI TRAINING.
As the benefits of METAVERSE for healthcare keep unfolding, the chance of it becoming a reality looks brighter & brighter with every passing day!!!
And maybe ONE DAY, YOU and I will meet in a virtual hospital with our sick avatars!
Sure, as of this moment you might think this is all too far-fetched and there’s no way we would actually use metaverse for healthcare,
but imagine you told the first men on earth that they’ll be able to travel thousands of miles by AIR..
BOY, would they FREAK OUT! 😂
So let’s not be skeptical about what the METAVERSE will be able to achieve!
This could the NEXT BIG THING that trains the army of surgeons or rather, an army of ROBOTIC surgeons!
However, in our universe wherever there’s light, there are also shadows.
So should we expect METAVERSE to face some challenges along the way?
Here are a few that I was able to compute so far.
NUMBER 1: For those of you who know how important data security & privacy is in healthcare, will METAVERSE be able to adhere to those rules & protocols???
It’s no secret that Facebook already knows my personality type and what type of animal I’d be. 😂
So, who is to say that my data, or YOUR data, will be safe and secure???
Just like we spend a ton load of money on updating our game characters, for METAVERSE to reach its full potential .. WE’RE TALKING
High tech gloves
VR hardware
A supporting infrastructure
A high-speed, unbreakable internet connection
& what not..
So you’re gonna need a ton load of money multiplied by 100, and then multiplied by another 100..
Cause that’s how much it’s going to take!!
SO will everyone will be able to use it?
Of course not, if we’re being realistic.. At the initial stage, ONLY people like Elon Musk, Bill Gates & Donald Trump will be able to use it.
(That surgery isn’t looking too bad now, IS IT? )😂😂
In all seriousness such ingenious ideas ALWAYS find the right investors, and so will this, the only problem is HOW long it will take.
Okay.. NUMBER 3: WHO will WILLINGLY lie on the stretcher???
How will METAVERSE earn people’s trust???
The only way this will happen is if people are educated thoroughly AND shown proof of successful procedures.
It’s easier to see someone’s else neck under the knife than yours 😅
Moving on, let’s discuss what the medical industry has actually accepted so far. Early DEVELOPMENT
Our healthcare industry has already incorporated Virtual Reality in a number of ways!
To start off there are:
Medical Training
Surgical Preparation
Addiction Treatment
Health Education &
Physical therapy
The truth is if we kept adapting to Virtual Reality, transitioning into the METAVERSE won’t require bending over backward.
Here’s an example,
If you’re aware of the TV series, “The Good Doctor” you know how Dr. Shawn Murphey can actually visualize things before he makes his diagnosis. (which BTW is always right somehow)
THIS is every DOCTOR’s dream!!! THIS is what we’ll be able to achieve soon!
And I kid you not, soon VR goggles will be sold like HOT CAKES in the medical field.
SOOO the question is
When IS THIS ALL going to ACTUALLY happen? 🤔
Well, experts are of the view that by the year 2040 METAVERSE would have taken a much better .. MORE refined, FULLY FUNCTIONAL, IMMERSIVE shape and more than half a billion people would be using it globally!
Although we CANT put a date on when this all will turn into reality, ONE THING is CERTAIN..
Metaverse has A LOT of POTENTIAL. And if successful, IT will take the TECH REVOLUTION to the NEXT LEVEL!
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This is ABI.
Signing Off!